omar ashraf

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‘Please, let us in,’ WHO issues plea to reach sick and injured

More than four and half months since Russia’s invasion, civilians have continued to be targeted in explosions and missile strikes, particularly in eastern cities including Donetsk, Sloviansk, Makiivka, Oleksandrivka and Yasynuvata, but also in southern oblasts, in Odessa and Mykolaiv. Senior UN officials have long called for humanitarian corridors to be established to enable the […]
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Suriname gives hope and inspiration to the world to save our rainforests

Suriname is considered a carbon-negative country, as its rainforests absorb more emissions than the country emits. Thick green foliage seems to be just about everywhere, even near the outskirts of the capital, Paramaribo, which is itself dotted with bustling markets and cultural cencenterstres. On Saturday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres saw first-hand the commitment of the […]
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Thousands of children endure ‘horrific conditions’ in conflict zones

The dangers outlined in the report range from conflict escalation, military coups, and takeovers, protracted and new conflicts, as well as violations of international law. Cross-border conflict and intercommunal violence also impacted the protection of children, especially in the Lake Chad Basin and Central Sahel regions. The report highlights almost 24,000 verified grave violations against […]
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Accountability is Pivotal to Prosecute Those Responsible for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in Libya

The Independent Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) on Libya uncovers further evidence of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and gross human rights violations in its comprehensive report, which comes amid growing tensions and a persistent political stalemate, contributing to insecurity and ongoing impunity. The Mission, which comprises the Chair, Mohammad Aujjar, and fellow human rights experts Chaloka […]
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Launch of a revised version of international guidelines for investigating and documenting torture and ill-treatment

On the 29th of June, a revised version of a major human rights document – the Istanbul Protocol – is being launched in Geneva. Since 1999, the Istanbul Protocol has set out international standards for investigating and documenting acts of torture and ill-treatment, providing essential guidance for medical, law enforcement, prosecution, judicial, and other relevant […]
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives from different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a […]
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Jusoor International Center organizes a new workshop entitled “The Importance of Interfaith Dialogue in Promoting Global Peace and Security”

Jusoor International Center for Media and Development is organizing its Third international workshop in Geneva, entitled “The Importance of Interfaith Dialogue in Promoting Global Peace and Security.” This will be the third workshop for Jusoor International, after the first in December and the second last March. The workshop will include a group of thinkers and […]
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مركز جسور إنترناشيونال ينظم ورشة عمل جديدة بعنوان “أهمية الحوار بين الأديان في تعزيز الأمن والسلام العالمي”

ينظم مركز جسور إنترناشيونال للإعلام والتنمية ورشة عمل دولية بعنوان “أهمية الحوار بين الأديان في تعزيز الأمن والسلام العالمي”، والتي ستقام في الجامعة النقابية العامة بسويسرا. وتعد هذه الورشة هي الثالثة لمركز جسور إنترناشونال، بعد الأولى بديسمبر والثانية في مارس الماضي. وستضم الورشة نخبة من المفكرين والمتحدثين في الشأن الديني من جنسيات مختلفة، على رأسهم […]
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